Motivating Women to Bring Light
With Purpose to the World
I-WE encourages you to join with other like-minded women in an effort to promote positive change and harmony in the world. When you develop a greater respect for yourself and begin to trust your inner strength and wisdom, you will model worth for others. As you build upon your own spiritual awareness and confidence, you help to create positive change in yourself, your relationships and your world.
Throughout the generations, women like you have made significant and forward-thinking contributions to literature, the environment, philosophy, education, science, politics, social justice, sports and human relations. By carrying the torch of knowledge, wisdom and compassion, you can help the world embrace a deeper knowledge and understanding of worth that will generate a safer, kinder and more compassionate environment for everyone on the planet.
I-WE is committed in our Abilities to sharing this tradition with the hearts and minds of all women and those who support them.