How are You Important?

Infuse Your Relationships with a Healthier Self!

You are important as a woman in your worth, purpose, talents and joy as you become the spiritual guide in relationships, healing and moving them toward peaceful fulfillment. Women are the containers and source of life, the creators of meaning through family and community, the vessels of love, the muses, the messengers and everyone’s connection with divine joy.

I-We asserts “Happy Women, Happy World.“ We, as women, have a fundamental role as leaders of spiritual enlightenment guiding our relationships; our families, our children, our communities and the world.  No matter the family, society and culture you are born into, self-esteem and worth are the determining factors for healthy relationships. This is your foundation and The Feminine Light Journey Online Program  helps form, maintain and manage your identity as a woman with confidence. The I-WE Community encourages your strength and supports your progress in creating and sustaining a vision for connected happiness and healing with the expression of your love.

For women, the truth of our being as an expression of the fullness of spirit creates the meaning of our lives. The expansion of our love and joy through the security of wisdom kindles the fire of our own unique contributions to ourselves, our relationships and to the world. The healing of women’s spirit then transmutes into the power that heals the world.

Reclaiming worth allows you to take the first step toward a healthy loving presence in relationship beginning with the most important relationship, the one with yourself.

Honor, Share, and Celebrate Your Life!


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