The Wisdom and Light of the World
The Feminine Light Symposiums™ are conducted around the world and designed to highlight and promote the strategic work of I-WE, nonprofits, businesses, and unique individuals who place a value on women bringing about change to the world through an enlightened healing vision for a specific purpose of influence, each region with its own particular purpose which can be found in the individual menus.
These global symposiums include:
- The Feminine Light in Africa
- The Feminine Light in Asia
- The Feminine Light in Australia
- The Feminine Light in Europe
- The Feminine Light in the Middle East
- The Feminine Light in Latin America
- The Feminine Light in North America
- The Feminine Light in Russia
The first symposium was held on The International Day for Tolerance, November 16th, 2011 at The Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. The Feminine Light in the Middle East Symposium 2011 was designed to promote the strategic work of I-WE, nonprofits, businesses, and unique individuals who realize that women with a vision and value are key to bringing a greater peace to that region.
Included in these symposiums is the presentation of The Star Rose Awards designed by I-WE to recognize those people who share in leading the way toward enlightenment through self-esteem and benevolence, a supportive life force which benefits humanity. Star Rose reflects the rich history associated with the eight-pointed star found in I-WE’s logo and is a symbol associated with Innana who is considered the most prominent female deity in ancient Mesopotamia. As a goddess, Innana embodies the cycles of a woman’s life as well as love and death or the transformation of the soul while the meaning associated with rose is grace, joy and appreciation.
- Birthing and Being
- Learning and Leading
- Offering and Sharing
- Giving and Forgiving
- Living and Contributing
- Observing and Listening
- Voicing and Honoring
- Enjoying and Providing
Please contact to organize a Feminine Light Symposium. To see a full schedule of
The Feminine Light in the Middle East Symposium 2011, click here.