The Feminine Light Journey Online Program

Inspiring Women to Live Better Lives Now
For a Better World Tomorrow

Welcome to the first step of your new, empowered and more satisfying life…The Feminine Light Journey Online Program. This revolutionary, life-changing program is a practical, step-by-step course that will guide you through eight Passages, revealing a new understanding for the maturity of women’s identity, worth with purpose and spiritual leadership.

The Feminine Light Journey Online Program offers:

  • The Truth of Our Being
  • The Creation of Our Meaning
  • The Fullness and Power of Our Lives
  • The Celebration of Our Spirit!

Realize the Hidden Secrets of Your Womanhood

Have you ever wondered if there is more to life, or have you felt like there was something missing?

  • Is there a secret in the world that some access and others do not?
  • Is there an unseen power of existence that some recognize and others do not yet know?
  • Is there knowledge that some possess and others have not yet learned?

In a word, the answer is “Yes.” But how do we discover it?

This secret is the tacit knowledge of worth and enlightened consciousness—a knowledge that has gone unspoken and is the underlying dynamic of all healthy relationships. For the first time in history, I-WE illuminates and voices this powerful knowledge for women who want to see and hear it. This pioneering wisdom distinguishes the differences in worth and identity development between women and men, formulating a new consciousness of Being.

As women, we all have a fundamental role in creating change, particularly in times of transition, either on an individual or global level. Right now, more than ever, a new approach is needed to address the problems of personal unhappiness, wounded integrity, fear, abuse, increased divorce rates, abandoned children, sex trafficking, violence and an unstable economic world. We speed through the chaos, where social media and technological advances increase contact capabilities but have weakened the bonds of communication and connection. We’ve diminished humanity’s closeness and connection and the truth and power of our feminine being.

 The Emerging Identity and Spiritual Leadership of Women is the Key to the Health of Our World

Increasingly, it is important to reconnect women to themselves, to each other and to humanity. Renewing and strengthening the spirit and the wisdom of women creates vital unions. Women are the containers and source of life, the creators of meaning through family and community, the vessels of love, the muses, the messengers and the connection with divine joy.

The Feminine Light Journey Means a Better World for Us All

The whole world benefits when women have equal rights as human beings and are valued as embodiments of enlightened love. Nurturing the world through the nature and wisdom of worth, expressed through a heart-centered approach to life is enlightenment. Women’s spiritual enlightenment makes unions and partnerships possible, which sustains community through a collaborative peace and joy. As women, the expansion of our love, through security in the wisdom of our worth, kindles the fire of our own unique contributions and transmutes our power to heal the world.

As a leader in the movement for the empowerment and enlightenment of women, The Feminine Light Journey Online Program is bringing women together to voice a collective vision of worth for ourselves that respects men and leaves a new legacy of fulfilling relationships for ourselves as women and our children.

Our time has come!

Honor, Share, and Celebrate Your Life!


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