Feminine Light Speaking

The Soul Listens When the Heart Speaks

The evolution of humanity is guided by the hearts of women and the souls of men. I-WE reaches out to women and men through Teleseminars and guest speakers.

Please contact speakers@I-WE.org to arrange a speaker for your organization or event.

Do you have a specific topic in mind? Our offerings include: Women’s Spiritual Leadership, Ten Light Points of Women’s Self-Leadership, Distinguishing Men, Women’s Identity and Development, Woman’s Worth, Boundaries, The Masculine Check, Honoring Partnership, Internet Dating and Exploring The Feminine Light Journey Program.

 We welcome you to participate in the Teleseminars including Q&A listed below:

Teleseminars and half hour Q&A:

  • Spiritual Leadership: A Call to Womanhood™
  • The Journey toward Womanhood™
  • The Essential Woman: Feminine Light, Love and Worth™
  • Boundaries: The Making and Management of Identity™
  • Men Tell it Straight: What Women Need to Know™
  • Honoring Men’s Enlightenment™
  • The Masculine Check™
  • Exploring The Feminine Light Journey Program™

For a complete description see Feminine Light Seminars  click here>>

See Events for the current schedule and to make reservations.

Honor, Share, and Celebrate Your Life!


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