The Feminine Light Journey – Ten Light Points

Hello everyone,

This is the day to start a new beginning…

For a fun and interactive presentation of The I-WE Ten Light Points of Women’s Self-Leadership and to view the whole Program of The Feminine Light Journey Passages, click the journey below and take your first steps…

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Healing the World

The I-WE Mission is to create a collective consciousness of women’s identity, worth with purpose to influence the health of our relationships and the world through spiritual leadership.

The I-WE Mission reflects our contribution to the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals worldwide.

The Millenium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000 and the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. Altogether there are eight international development goals that all 189 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have committed to help achieving by the year 2015. These goals are:

   1.    Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger

   2.    Achieving universal primary education

   3.    Promoting gender equality and empowering women

   4.    Reducing child mortality rates

   5.    Improving maternal health

   6.    Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

   7.    Ensuring environmental sustainability

   8.    Developing a global partnership for development

I-WE asserts that no matter our social framework, family or culture, women’s self-esteem is the determining factor in the health of the world as it is the basis for all relationships.

In following the vision of the United Nations to improve the health of our global community, I-WE offers through The Ten Light Points of Women’s Self-Leadership, the opportunity for women to lead the way toward a more peaceful and joyful world.

These Ten Light Points reflect what we want as women to elevate the spirit of the world by the fulfillment of ourselves and through our relationships. Follow the Journey and discover how you relate to what you want personally while participating in a collective of women.

To move forward as an influence of healing change, we must come together as this collective returning to the knowledge of our identity and nature as women and of our partnerships with men as complimentary human beings.

The Ten Light Points of Women’s Self-Leadership

  1. Recognition: To be Seen and Heard for Identity
  2. Value: Be Value, Recognize Value and Be Recognized as Valuable
  3. Security: Be Safe and Offer Safety
  4. Meaning: Honor Our Worth and the Worth of Others
  5. Rights: Honor Equal Rights
  6. Love: Honor Our Love Well in Relationships of Importance
  7. Beauty: Share Our Expressions with Self-acceptance
  8. Creation: Celebrate the Knowledge of Our Vision and Value
  9. Power: Celebrate the Knowledge of Our Power and Effect Change
  10. Joy: Celebrate the Knowledge of Our Joy and Expression

Our growth is directed by the commitment we establish to ourselves. Together these Light Points offer a direction for our growth and the effectiveness of our collective leadership to impact change.

All major transitions throughout history have been responses to questions pertaining to sexual identity, financial power, social status and human rights. I-WE helps to answer these questions and is an education clearinghouse for the ideas and efforts of wise women and forward-thinking men who assert a new voice dedicated to the health and healing of humanity by recognizing gender identity.

The personal application and relevance of gender distinctions is the foundation to  the health of unions between women and men. As a woman of influence, we hope you realize and embrace your importance in this new global shift toward greater peace and fulfillment.

The Feminine Light Journey Program - Join Us!

The Self-Leadership Appraisal

The Self-Leadership Appraisal will announce The Feminine Light Journey Program. Simply respond to the Spiritual Leadership Questions to reveal the magnificence of your potential for inner power and light. Transform your life by healing and fulfilling yourself and your relationships through a step by step process of embracing your spiritual leadership.

This Self-Leadership Appraisal identifies your awareness of your personal self-leadership nature and provides you with Eight Transformational Paths to discover your desire for Spiritual Leadership.

Join The Feminine Light Journey Program

The Feminine Light Journey

The Passages below are the stepping stones toward your own enlightenment:

  • Womanhood and Spiritual Leadership – The Collective Voice Passage – The New Solution for an Enlightened Consciousness
  • Womanhood and Identity – The Self- Leadership Passage -The New Context for Women’s Development
  • Womanhood and Motivation – The Emotional Muse Passage – The New Understanding for Self-Esteem
  • Womanhood and Purpose I – The Mental CEO Passage – The New Alternative for Self-Ownership
  • Womanhood and Purpose II – The Mental CEO Passage – The New Choice for Self-Determination
  • Womanhood and Worth – The Spiritual Healer Passage – The New Way for Self-Realization
  • Womanhood and Expression – The Social Visionary Passage – The New Voice for Global Healing
  • Womanhood and Joy – The Physical Woman Passage – The New Legacy for Our Children

These Passages create a new opportunity for expanding Women’s Consciousness highlighting our ability to embrace new leadership roles providing the world with a consciousness of worth and value. The Passages offer women a container, a framework for understanding and honoring our identity as women and in community, raise a new collective voice.

Each Passage is three months long, allowing you to easily understand and apply the material  to your everyday lives. Once a week, material will be presented to you in a fun online package. Take as much time as you would like to review the concepts. It can be done in as little as 30 minutes a week. Time well spent in the investment in yourself!

Each week nine gifts will be presented including:

  1. Three Music Choices you listen to during the week which will enhance your awareness of the material on an emotional level. Each musical selection is chosen to provide an emotional connection to that particular week’s information. Enjoy the music; download the choices, and create a soundtrack to celebrate your life!
  2. A Learning Objective or a soul gift offers a new focus for understanding that can support you in your life, helping you to create a foundational basis for greater self-realization and leadership potential personally and globally.
  3. Terminology or one specific word will be presented to contemplate and reflect upon as a stepping stone toward self-awareness.
  4. An Historical Context will be provided in relation to the week’s theme to provide perspective and relevance, a resonance with the experience of time as it affects our lives. Our lives can then be better understood through the creation of meaning.
  5. An Offering of Insight is presented in order to build a particular learning path leading to increased self-awareness.
  6. The Ownership of Consciousness Practicum helps each individual create their own unique understanding of the week’s theme and an insight to help apply it to the challenges of your life.
  7. A Video is given to explore and present a variety of perspective on the week’s topic and to enhance different learning style. The videos also provide perspective for further inquiry.
  8. The Forum Question allows sharing and developing a collective voice for women who want to develop leadership skills as individuals and through a mutually supportive vision of women’s worth.
  9. A Wrap-up Question offers you a choice to embrace your life.

The Feminine Light Journey provides the knowledge for your self, affecting all of your relationships and the world. If you are serious about being the change you want to see in your world and living your life with the knowledge that your life matters, we hope you participate in creating together the music for a more peaceful and joyful world.

Join The Feminine Light Journey Program

The Feminine Light Journey Music

For a limited time, during the launch of your maiden passage, Womanhood and Spiritual Leadership, we will be creating together The Feminine Light Journey music…

After you accept your invitation to The Feminine Light Journey Program by making a commitment to your enlightenment, you will have an opportunity through your inspiration to compose the music. Hint: When you reach The I-WE Station and Map look for The Feminine Light Music Checkpoint.

Celebrate your commitment in becoming a spiritual leader by signing up for The Collective Voice Passage – Womanhood and Spiritual Leadership. Together we are the change! Together we are the music!

Join The Feminine Light Journey Program

Honor, Share, and Celebrate Your Life!Join now!

From your I-WE Family

P.S. Not yet receiving I-WE Insights?  For your own Self-Leadership Light Point Appraisal, please add your email address…



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