Celebrate Valuing Worth

Topic Progress:

The Ownership Practicum


Question:  Are you a valuable person?

Experiment:  Choose 1 expression of joy or talent you would like to bring into the world. What is that expression or talent?

Life Practice:  Live that expression or talent for 3 days. Journal your experience.

Your Imagination:  What 3 actions would you like your ideal man to consistently take to show his support of you?

What 3 ways of being would you like your ideal woman to express to show her support of you?

Share in the Forum:  What are the 3 actions for men to take? What are 3 ways for women to be?

Reflection:  Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add – but when there is nothing left to take away. ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman’s Odyssey


The Message in the Bottle:  Are you not already worthy and valuable in and of yourself?

Live that expression of joy or talent for 3 days. Journal your experience.


The Message in the Bottle:  Are you not already worthy and valuable in and of yourself?


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