Honor Evolving Faith Perception

Topic Progress:


June 13, 2014Nature videoCaterpillar


The Music Choices provided for the week are: I Wish I Knew How Wonderful It Would Be to Be Free, Video, and Pocket Full of Sunshine. Which of these songs resonates with you presently?


The Word

What is faith?

A Definition: Faith is the allegiance to a duty or person, loyalty, fidelity and sincerity of intentions, a firm belief for which there is no proof and a complete trust.

Do you have faith in who you are? Do you trust yourself? Do you know how to trust yourself? More often than not, when we question the sincerity of our intentions, we come from a place of uncertainty or a lack of clarity of who we are. In the beginning of all relationships and their possibilities for growth, the starting point is with ourselves. If we are to create healthier relationships built on respect and compassion, this respect and compassion must be experienced and understood for ourselves. Do you feel respect and compassion for yourself physically as a woman? Do you admire the life you are creating? Have you experienced distress and/or felt vulnerable? Are you feeling it now? Humanity is built on vulnerabilities and the fragileness of life. How we interpret this fragility gives way to our faith in ourselves and with each other so that we may better live together.


Humaine Video


The Soul Gift

What is the perception of faith?

The perception of faith is an understanding, a sense of clarity about our growth and awareness which enables us to accept and love ourselves better in space and time – the here and now. An understanding of faith creates an awareness of significance, allowing us to commit to the worthiness of life and inspiring us to live more fully in the knowledge of our humanity and the potential for joy. How we perceive faith is different for each of us and is made up of many factors to include our hopes and dreams. What are your dreams that you have faith in?

Reflect on this…”Oh, you can’t get out backwards…gotta go forwards to go back”
– Roald Dahl, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory


Enjoy your week of self-discovery and the faith that is you…


The Survey



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