Honor Respecting Gender Differences

Topic Progress:

nature video




The Music Choices provided for the week are:  If I was a Boy, I Enjoy Being a Girl, and  If I were a Boy.   Which of these songs resonates with you presently?


The Word

What is humanity?

A Definition:  Humanity is the quality or state of being humane: marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals.

Humanity is the existence of people, their qualities and their relationships.  Humanity is made up of both women and men and together represent the polarities of life. Polarities are representations of states in which two are completely opposite or very different from each other.  Woman is different from man.

All of us have have gifts and talents to express, however the nature of humanity is the domain of women – our state of beingness together.  Is there a way to govern humanity to bring it into alignment with health?  Can we as women guide the emotional integrity of life to ease the suffering of humanity?  Can we respect gender differences and uplift humanity joyfully?   Can we honor our worth as women and together represent life well?






The Soul Gift

Do we honor gender differences?

Can women and men acknowledge their difference from each other?  Can women have a distinct model for their own development and maturity with a unique purpose that empowers life?  Can women take the lead in discovering the light of a consciousness surrounded by darkness?

Perhaps for the first time, this formalized recognition, The Feminine Light Journey, will inspire women to know and honor their difference from men while respecting men in their growth and maturity.  The power of women to heal and nurture peace is found in the magnificence of women’s being.

To help delineate gender identity, let’s start by recognizing the principles that distinguish the feminine and masculine, these polarities of life:

Look at the list I have made for you and see the contrast between the feminine and masculine principles… these are so old and every culture has them –




Co-operative…Hierarchical and so on…


Feminine Principles Masculine Principles
Being Doing
Worth Value
Receptive Assertive
Co-operative Hierarchical
Soft Hard
Peaceful Adversarial
Surrendering Challenging
Intuitive Analytical
Abstract Concrete
Patient Dominating
Content Driven
Right Brain Left Brain
Spacial Linear
Creative Logical
Nurturing Competitive
Allowing Limiting
Synthesizing Organizing
Retreating Advancing


To be mature is to learn this awareness and capture the essence of gender for the purpose of peace.   I would like to point out a confusion relating to understanding the purpose of these principles and their application.  To be a woman of maturity is not to be a man but to have the sense of value, a masculine consciousness of light.  To be a man of maturity is not to be a woman but to have the ability to care, a feminine consciousness of light.  The interdependence of feminine and masculine is the union of wholeness for individuals and humanity.
Reflecton this… “Oh, you can’t get out backwards…gotta go forwards to go back…”
– Roald Dahl, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory


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