Share Defining Purpose

Topic Progress:

The Context


Women’s social movements ……

An Insight


Is the personal vision of your life inclusive of others? Many times we struggle to meet what is best for ourselves and it is true we need to be able to take care of ourselves to better be able to care for others, but in this case taking care of others allows us to better take care of ourselves. As women and sisters, defining our purpose as a collective allows us to better accept our own humanity and in particular honors the humanity of women through an evolved consciousness. No longer do we live in the dark of uncertainty or confusion, but rather because of the awakened consciousness of all women as all women individually and collectively share the same expression of spirit – one spirit to which we all belong. And it is through this awakening that shifts the world into the possibility of fulfillment.

The Survey


Which social movements speak to you? (check all that apply)



Do you think women have the power to heal the world?



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