The Context
“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
-Harriet Tubman
The abuse of women and coming into love key figures… as role models of how they have done it.
Perhaps there is a new social structure of community that could be conceived to east this fight of polarities and encourage women to nurture and grow their spirit.
Women are both spiritual leaders and guides, the inspiration of love. We are the light, the stars of fulfillment as leaders of humanity and guides toward maturity.
In relationship with a man, the role of spiritual leadership is to determine a man’s maturity for himself as a man, the self-ownership of his own humanity. To govern the assessment of his maturation, these elements need to be measured in their completeness as a quantity in value and action:
- Vision – the goal desired
- Desire – the motivational impetus
- Ability – the capability to manifest value and appreciate being
- Commitment – the devotion to the vision
- Manifestation – the realization of the vision
Spiritual guidance, on the other hand, is the art and process of working with spirit toward its fulfillment. It is also a quality of commitment in relationship and entails:
- Assessment – the process of refinement and revision of maturity
- Communication – the expression for growth and mutual appreciation
- Transformation – the change toward maturity
- Maintenance – the ways to honor commitment
- Continued growth – the continued process of maturity and fulfillment
The art of spiritual guidance is the ability to evolve partnership from dependence (security) to independence (Maturity – manhood and womanhood) through to interdependence (union). For women moving from dependence to interdependence requires independence, a state of conscious separateness, a consciousness of worth and value. The health of the spirit to establish this movement requires a consciousness through effectively learning lessons and the wisdom of:
- Dependence – acceptance and trust
- Independence – consciousness of worth/value
- Interdependence – exchange and care
The role of spiritual leader and the art of spiritual guidance must be consciously embraced and practiced to decide the type of relationship possible and its potential for fulfillment. For instance, if the man in your life is not yet mature and has not yet developed the desire, ability, or commitment to become a man either for himself or in relation to you by providing for, protecting, or appreciating your well-being, you, as the spiritual leader, have the choice to be with him or not. If you choose to stay with him, you are then the spiritual guide. You may make the decision to remain with him if there are particular reasons which may be beneficial, and if in his maturation he consistently demonstrates signs of appreciation for you and for growth. If he does not demonstrate sufficient growth or maturity over time, you may make the decision to separate from him, blessing him and gently releasing your responsibilities as mother and spiritual guide.
For a mature man in your life, spiritual guidance is more of an offering as a sounding board in the mutual contentment of your lives. The maturity of your spirit, the ability to receive, and the knowledge of your joy are key to this mutual contentment.
Rest in the peace of this:
- The wellspring of life is your spirit and the wisdom of your soul.
- How you express yourself reflects the quality of your heart at home with yourself.
- The quality of life that you provide for others and the appreciation — if not from others, then from your own spirit — are held in loving, deep regard.
An Insight
How are you guided to balance your care for others and for yourself? The nature of the health of one’s being is essential to the health of humanity.
- What is your personal vision of self-care?
- Have you a personal vision that guides you?
- Have you a map for understanding yourself?
- Have you a connection to principles that can guide you back to yourself?
- Have you a deep grounding in a higher power that directs you?
- Have you trust in that connection to experience your life more effectively?
Life is offered to you by your own spirit and this spirit needs to be nurtured. If your soul accepts the darkness of the unknown and is able to turn it into light, The Feminine Light of your being, you are on your own way toward becoming a spiritual leader, a light in the sea of darkness. It is imperative to connect with your own truth, a deep understanding of your purpose, and to come from a place of care, compassion, and valuing your worth as a woman. This sets the foundation of all your relationships, while expressing your talents can bring joy.
Those around you become your community. Whether in goodwill, these people provide the opportunity for the practical application of spiritual leadership and guidance as well as insights into your own nature and that of others. These insights give you the choice of whether to or how to offer guidance and how best your joy can be honored as the guiding light of humanity.
We all need guidance to find our way and to reach out for guidance when needed to move you forward toward contentment is a wise gift. Without the ability to ask for what you need or even simply asking for assistance in clarifying the best questions for growth, you block yourself from your own life force. Energy blocked for a duration, without hope of change, can cause emotional ill health and depression. Dis-ease is the result of long standing blockages for the need to grow. This is a result of either not asking yourself the right questions or not receiving the right answers to resolve your issue effectively. The labyrinth of life without a map to fulfillment and release into enlightenment perpetuates itself like chasing your tail over and over again until it ingrains your life into a pattern of discontent or fear. Spiritual leadership begins with both self- knowledge and your own ability to find your joy.
The ability to guide humanity is nurtured through the vision of self in relationship to others. Attempting to manufacture or measure our sense of worth as if it were the same as a man’s value leads the way to poverty of spirit. Our spirits are then limited to the physical world and by not valuing the worth of our spirit, we cannot show the way toward growth and the prosperity of well-being. The poverty of spirit equates to the impoverishment of humanity, a humanity without guidance and all that it entails.
Do we still not see the signs of humanity depreciating? Is it our time to make a decision about honoring our duty as women to guide humanity? The choice of spiritual guidance is a question of maturity. How can we as women come together to honor our maturity? Whether we want to become social leaders, all of us must begin with our own lives as spiritual leaders.
Women are both spiritual leaders and guides, the inspiration of love. We are the light, the stars of fulfillment as leaders of humanity and guides toward maturity.
In relationship with a man, the role of spiritual leadership is to determine a man’s maturity for himself as a man, the self-ownership of his own humanity. To govern the assessment of his maturation, these elements need to be measured in their completeness as a quantity in value and action:
- Vision – the goal desired
- Desire – the motivational impetus
- Ability – the capability to manifest value and appreciate being
- Commitment – the devotion to the vision
- Manifestation – the realization of the vision
Spiritual guidance, on the other hand, is the art and process of working with spirit toward its fulfillment. It is also a quality of commitment in relationship and entails:
- Assessment – the process of refinement and revision of maturity
- Communication – the expression for growth and mutual appreciation
- Transformation – the change toward maturity
- Maintenance – the ways to honor commitment
- Continued growth – the continued process of maturity and fulfillment
The art of spiritual guidance is the ability to evolve partnership from dependence (security) to independence (Maturity – manhood and womanhood) through to interdependence (union). For women moving from dependence to interdependence requires independence, a state of conscious separateness, a consciousness of worth and value. The health of the spirit to establish this movement requires a consciousness through effectively learning lessons and the wisdom of:
- Dependence – acceptance and trust
- Independence – consciousness of worth/value
- Interdependence – exchange and care
The role of spiritual leader and the art of spiritual guidance must be consciously embraced and practiced to decide the type of relationship possible and its potential for fulfillment. For instance, if the man in your life is not yet mature and has not yet developed the desire, ability, or commitment to become a man either for himself or in relation to you by providing for, protecting, or appreciating your well-being, you, as the spiritual leader, have the choice to be with him or not. If you choose to stay with him, you are then the spiritual guide. You may make the decision to remain with him if there are particular reasons which may be beneficial, and if in his maturation he consistently demonstrates signs of appreciation for you and for growth. If he does not demonstrate sufficient growth or maturity over time, you may make the decision to separate from him, blessing him and gently releasing your responsibilities as mother and spiritual guide.
For a mature man in your life, spiritual guidance is more of an offering as a sounding board in the mutual contentment of your lives. The maturity of your spirit, the ability to receive, and the knowledge of your joy are key to this mutual contentment.
Rest in the peace of this:
- The wellspring of life is your spirit and the wisdom of your soul.
- How you express yourself reflects the quality of your heart at home with yourself.
- The quality of life that you provide for others and the appreciation — if not from others, then from your own spirit — are held in loving, deep regard.
For us as women, leading the way out of humanity’s darkness into peace begins with the journey toward an evolved consciousness, bringing us closer to our own maturity and fulfillment, appreciative of the blessings of our own spirit. Living in our own light with confidence and care is the start of spiritual leadership and guidance.
The Survey
True or False
Compassion and equal rights belong to all human beings, and only by working together will we realize a humanity fulfilled.
There is a distinction between women and men and that our aspiration for social growth is best expressed through gender equity, not equality.
This distinction is one of identity development, worth and purpose and can be understood in terms of the difference between women and men: women are spirit in being and men have spirit in action.
An evolution in women’s consciousness toward self-leadership and worth is required as a prerequisite for spiritual leadership.
The spiritual leadership of women, or the guiding spirit of care and maturity, is the key to the health and healing of humanity.
We are together building a platform to empower women and men to live in increased harmony for:
Add all that was True in order.
If any have false…
You have said false to this “ (add phrase)”, please explain in 50 words or fewer.
Do you think it is vital for women to guide humanity? Y/N
If yes: You think it is vital for women to guide humanity. Let us gather together.
If no: Joy is important to health and if you do not think it is vital for women to guide humanity and find contentment through their joy, how else shall we find peace in relationship? How will you respond differently? Please explain.